
Dust Mite TRIAL PACK Detection Capture & Removal Pads by Fight Mite




Protect your
Home with Fight Mite Capture Pads
Dust Mites are the #1 cause of allergy and asthma related
symptoms in our homes, especially in children.  Dust Mites are microscopic
insects that live in soft surfaces like bedding, carpeting, area rugs,
furniture and linen closets.
Dust Mites live by eating our dead skin cells that flake off
our bodies every day especially when we sleep.  The problem with Dust
Mites is that many people are allergic to their waste so removing them from our
homes if we suffer with allergies is a very good idea.
Fight Mite Capture Pads are designed to work like a
detection, capture and removal system.
You place these patented 100% safe
capture pads in all your soft surface areas around your home.  In less than
90 days if you have Dust Mite infestations you can cut open the capture pads to
expose a yellow mucky residue.  If you see this residue you have Dust Mite
infestation and you should start a 10 Step Dust Mite control program to help remove
Dust Mites from you home right away.  Over time you will see a decrease in
the yellow mucky residue inside each capture pad letting you know that you are controlling
Dust Mites.
If you cut open your Fight Mite Capture Pads and you do not see a yellow mucky residue then you do not have dust mite infestation.  Good job in keeping your home clean!
One Fight Mite Capture Pad can capture and remove thousands
of Dust Mites every 90 days.  Using Fight Mite Capture Pads and our 10
Step Dust Mite removal program will dramatically help control Dust Mite
populations and improve your quality of life in your home.
This offer is good for use in one king size bed.  If you want to detect dust mites in your home we recommend buying multiple packs.
Apartment – 2 packs
(3 capture pads per pack)
Small Home 2-3 Bedrooms – 4 packs
(3 capture pads per pack)
Large Home 4+ Bedrooms – 6 packs (3 capture pads per pack)
Please watch some of the Fight Mite videos for more information, Fight Mite has been featured on
QVC and As Seen on TV and it will help if you suffer from allergies
and asthma associated with Dust Mites.